Is Coke a good chaser for vodka?


Soda is always a good choice when it comes to mixed drinks. You'll have that fizzy taste to help distract you from the vodka that you're also consuming.

Is Gatorade a good chaser for vodka?

While Gatorade and Pedialyte are high in hangover-causing sugar, their lower sugar counterparts (like G2 or Powerade Zero) make great chasers. They give you electrolytes that help rehydrate your body in the face of dehydrating alcohol.

What should we drink with vodka?

Six of the Best Vodka Mixers, According to Us

  1. Soda Water. For those moments when you want to drink something that barely tastes like anything and you're fresh out of White Claw, there's the Vodka Soda.
  2. Tonic Water.
  3. Orange Juice.
  4. Half & Half Spindrift.
  5. Grapefruit Juice and a Splash of Soda.
  6. Lime Juice and Simple Syrup.

What is the healthiest mixer for vodka?

The good news is that simple soda water (also known as club soda) is an easy alternative. Since it's nothing but carbonated water, it's hands down the healthiest mixer for vodka.

Is vodka and coke any good?

1. Vodka and Coke. Vodka goes well with all mixers from orange juice, grapefruit juice, sprite (my personal favorite) and of course, coke. So, for all those coke lovers out there who cannot decide what cocktail to get, a simple gold ol' vodka and coke should suffice.

What is a chaser for alcohol?

A chaser is typically a non alcohol based drink that is typically consumed after a strong alcoholic drink. Chasers can be either mildly alcoholic or non alcoholic. So here we list the best chasers for alcoholic beverages. • Beer Chaser– The weak alcohol content and the pleasant taste make beer a good chaser.

What can you mix with vodka without hangover?

As we know from extensive research, vodka is the best choice in liquor for avoiding a hangover. Add in some real cranberry juice (not cranberry juice cocktail) and fresh squeezed grapefruit juice for a refreshing combo that 1985 would be proud of.

Is Powerade or Gatorade better for hangovers?

Want to gain an edge over plain old water to treat your hangover? Consider reaching for Gatorade, Pedialyte, Powerade, or a similar nonfizzy sports drink. These drinks are packed with certain minerals called electrolytes — such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium — which help regulate fluid levels in the body.

Why do alcoholics drink Gatorade?

Stay naturally hydrated: Drink a lot of water and fluids with electrolytes, such as Pedialyte or Gatorade. It will keep the body hydrated and will replenish the essential fluids that have been lost in the consumption of alcohol.

How do Beginners drink vodka?


  1. Choose a plain vodka to drink. Most vodka aficionados believe that drinking vodka in its pure form is the proper way to enjoy this beverage.
  2. Throw your bottle of vodka in the freezer for a few hours. This isn't wine!
  3. Pour the vodka into a small glass.
  4. Sip vodka, don't shoot it.
  5. Eat appetizers between sips.

Why do people drink vodka?

"Like most alcoholic beverages, vodka can help you relax," she told The List. "Additionally, many people enjoy a drink in the company of others, which can also help to improve mood." Perhaps that's why so many people like to drink in bars or serve drinks at parties and special events.

How much vodka is safe per day?

According to the US Dietary Guidelines, 2015-2020, people should limit their alcohol-related risks by drinking in moderation, meaning up to 1 serving of alcohol per day for women and up to 2 servings per day for men.

What can I mix with vodka on a keto diet?

"Spirits don't have carbs," says Olivia Wagner, RDN, integrative dietitian-nutritionist. Have 1 oz of your favorite hard liquor — vodka, tequila, rum, gin, or whiskey — and add a mixer like soda water or a flavored sparkling water (like LaCroix or Waterloo) for a drink with no calories, sugar, or carbohydrates.

Can you put Crystal Light in vodka?

Add half a package of Crystal Light. Stir in one shot of vodka. Garnish with strawberries. Enjoy!

What are good mixers for alcohol?

How to Pair Mixers with Alcohol

  • Tonic gives a hint of bitterness to either gin or vodka.
  • Seltzer water adds sparkle to a heavy drink and body to flavored vodkas for a light, low-key sipper.
  • Cola is a classic, and goes equally well with whiskey as it does with rum.
  • Ginger ale and ginger beer go well with bourbon and blended whiskey.