Spotlight House of Worship: The Rev. Melissa Hall to receive accolades by MAU

Melissa Hall
The Rev. Melissa Hall of The Episcopal Church of St. James in Montclair wish be esteemed at the Montclair Ambulance Unit's period of time St. Patrick's Day Welfare on Friday, March 1. DEBORAH ANN TRIPOLDI/STAFF


The "Houses of Worship" series spotlights topical religious organizations. General information about the church is below. If you have religion news you think we should spotlight, delight send to and

A former certified bottle-feed, and foremost female rector and the first gay priest of The Protestant Episcopal Church of St. James in Montclair will presently be honored for her Service to the community. That one person is the Rev up. Melissa Hall.

Entrance hall will be honored at the Montclair Ambulance Unit of measurement's (MAU) annual Saint Patrick's Mean solar day Benefit at the Commonwealth Club at 26 Northview Ave. connected Friday, Abut 1.

The reverend said she cannot wrap her manoeuver round the sentiment that she will be the honoree.

Hall has served atomic number 3 the rector of St. James church for the ultimo five years, and the congregants have been very welcoming to her, she said: "I lie with this congregation, love the multitude in information technology and they want to execute good."

About five years ago, Saint James the Apostle did a surface drive with the Montclair Flaming Section: Montclair Fire Chief Lavatory Hermann is also a board appendage of the MAU.

The church made a commitment that over 21 percent of their collections would go to local outreach, including the MAU, MESH (Montclair Emergency Services for the Homeless) and Lamp for Hayti.

Charles Francis Hall doesn't do it all herself, she said, and believes the church's community involvement is why she is being honored. "The church and the volunteers feel the spirit and they movement," she remarked.

The MAU "touches me because I was a nurse first. No assessment, 'you need something I'll contribute complete I sustain', no politics; how very much money you undergo doesn't matter," she aforesaid. Hall was a listed nurse for 25 years, ahead she became a priest in the Episcopal Church building.

The church has too express solidarity with social movements: last year, more than 2,000 people accompanied a rally on their front lawn, where there was a T-shirt memorial for the victims of the Parkland shot.

"The Christian church is trying very intemperately to be in this community; not Be a fancy church service in the square marked with hedges and the lawn. The door is always open. That is why the ambulance corps applauds us," Dorm said.


Hall was an impermanent priest at St. James when the congregation, the Wardens and the Vestry board made an appeal to the bishop to keep her. The church service interviewed 11 candidates and chose her as their rector. "They jazz me and I love them right back," Manor hall said.

Through nursing, she learned how to love people, and discovered how to have a good sense of humor about the world, she aforementioned: "You learn how to track yourself, not everything is in restraint. When people face death, depression, you get along very intimate, you are present with them. And [I learned] to stay calm," she said.

Hall was the children' nursing administrator at and then Newark Beth State of Israel Infirmary in the 1990s. She cared for many children dying of AIDS and sickle cell anemia who were in or below the poverty level. "IT taught me astir myself and the world," she same.

While at the hospital, she met a dying 10-year-old girl WHO noticed that Hall wasn't happy and told her, 'If you don't like what you are doing, leave." Hall took some time off. "The 10-year-old died. It got ME to start thinking, don't do things for the wrong reasons, and [get into't] waste time," she said.

Although it crossed her mind, she never put real thought into becoming a priest until her time off from the hospital. After she realized her true calling she went to seminary.


When not at the Christian church, Hall enjoys spending prison term with her family, her mate of 38 years, Fran Lapinski, and their grown daughter Katherine. The church, she said, is "a job, and information technology's a way. The lines get blurry sometimes, I have to be mindful."

Manse is also a poet, and creates abstractionism both tangible and paintings. She collects old wood from the Hudson River, and creates little homes with photos indoors them and writes a story around that image.

When she is non creating art she is watching home repair shows because "they come out out as chaos and something beautiful happens." Its symbolic of her vocation. "I look at what needs to be leaded and work dish out of it," she said.

The church hires people with special needs to range their The Pitch's the Limit Thrift shop. "Everybody is redoubtable and given the dignity they deserve," she said.

Hall said she is surprised, simply appreciative for the honor, "I'm a little embarrassed that they want to honor me. I'm the enzyme, the church dedicates themselves to Montclair, to this country, to help make information technology a amended place," she said.

Manse told her fold she is only the "frontman."

She said if everyone just does a little something to help, "the world gets better."

File photo

Annual Saint Patrick's Day Benefit

To fend for the Montclair Ambulance Social unit
Commonwealth Club
26 Northview Ave.
Fri, March 1, 7-11 p.m.
For information clave

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