Play Virus Injections Again Saints Row 4

The player uses a Crusader in Wave one of Survival.

Survival is a Diversion in Saints Row: The Third.[ane] In Saints Row 4, information technology is known as Virus Injection.

Once you have the Crusader tank in your garage, Survival missions become much easier.
IGN [2]

Saints Row: The 3rd [ ]

First revealed in IGN's video preview highlighting STAG'due south Crusader tank, [1] Survival tasks players with surviving an onslaught of enemies over iii to nine waves. Each moving ridge requires the player to survive a certain corporeality of time or kill a specific amount of enemies. Players may not stray too far from where they started the Diversion.

When on human foot, not in combat and not in a mission or activity, someone can call Playa and inform him that some gang is attacking some location and that Playa should go and aid protect the location. At that point a mark will appear on the map. The role player is still gratis to start a usual mission or activity, or to salvage the game. Saving does not remove the marking, but reloading that saved game will. The thespian may use homies to complete a Survival. If the player takes too long to get to the marking it will disappear, but there is normally enough time to bulldoze a tank to the location.

Survivals include battles with the Steelport Police, Morningstar, Luchadores, Deckers, Mascots, Zombies and Bikers. Brutes appear as part of the onslaught for the three gangs and the zombies. Playa is granted Cash and Respect for killing enemies and completing each moving ridge.

Availability [ ]

At that place are 26 Survivals in total. 24 Survivals are available after We're Going to Need Guns. One more than unlocks later on Political party Time and the final one becomes bachelor afterwards Zombie Assault.

  • Before completing all missions, no Survival calls repeat afterwards beingness completed.
  • After completing all missions, all Survival calls repeat, regardless of completion status.
  • The only way to avoid unwanted repetition is to complete all Survivals earlier completing all missions.
  • In that location is no way to stop random Survival calls after completing all missions.

Allies [ ]

Allies will spawn at a altitude of eighty-150.

  • On Piece of cake, Allies will drive a Bootlegger, containing 2 allies
  • On Medium, Allies will drive a Infuego, containing iii allies
  • On Hard, Allies will bulldoze a Criminal, containing iv allies
  • Call 13, twenty Easy and Call 21 have one actress Ally
  • Call 07 Medium and Call 16 take one less Ally
  • Telephone call 26 has no Allies

Tips [ ]

  • Showing up in a Crusader or Challenger tank is an easy style to complete a Survival. In Saints Row: The Tertiary, a homie tin can be recruited to man a laser gun on the Crusader, adding extra firepower.
  • In some time based survivals ane tank may be not terminal long plenty. Additional tanks tin can be chosen using the Tank Homie or Vehicle Commitment abilities.
  • It is also possible to reinforce a tank with the vehicle customization glitch making incoming impairment irrelevant in all cases.
  • It is possible to complete the easier Survivals with a helicopter or VTOL but the player volition have to stay close to the ground or the Survival will cancel.
  • In the final Zombie survival in that location are no enemies with ranged weapons. This offers an opportunity to get the Headshot Claiming statistic upwardly while safely continuing on a low rooftop.

Calls [ ]

# Gang Location Telephone call
01 Law Yearwood
South of Murderbrawl Loonshit
Got an idea. You piss off the cops, I'll set upwards a camcorder and catch information technology on record. Then nosotros send it to them equally a "fuck you".
02 Law
New Baranec
Permit's Pretend
Mascots! They're gathering at the costume shop! It's... it's how they make more of their kind! Y'all gotta guard the store until the large sale's over!
03 Luchadores Bridgeport
We got a trouble! The Luchadores are comin' after our boys, tin can you help?
04 Luchadores Arapice Island
North of Rim Jobs
Hey... I got an within tip if you wanna take out some Luchadores... They spar down at the chem constitute about this fourth dimension... Bet yous'd catch 'em off-guard.
05 Luchadores
Virtually Rusty'southward Needle
You lot think you're tough, huh? Callin' you out! Run into 'em at the spot and we'll see who walks abroad.
06 Police Ashwood
E of Paradigm Every bit Designed
Hey. Yous didn't hear it from me, merely the cops are holdin' a Policeman's Ball. Bet breakin' that up would help the Saints.
07 Police Salander
Betwixt Planet Saints and Friendly Fire
The Saints would exist ratings aureate for FUZZ! Stir upwardly problem for the cops at our filming location, and we'll cutting you a slice of the profit.
08 Deckers Ashwood
South east of Nobody Loves Me
Some new phone or some shit just went on sale, and Deckers are all over the store. Might be a proficient time to drop a few.
09 Deckers Ashwood
West of Rim Jobs
I saw some Deckers messing with the cable lines a couple blocks over... said they were gonna hack 'the Saints' book', whatever that is. Thought there may be a reward for the tip?
10 Deckers Burns Hill
South of Meth Lab
Yep, heed. Just heard about a Decker rave going on. Figured yous may wanna do something.
11 Morningstar Camano Place
Leather & Lace
My aniversary'due south coming upward and I need some toys, but Morningstar'south ownership out all the good stuff from Leather & Lace! You have to stop them!
12 Morningstar Rosen Oaks
Virtually Gang Operation
The Morningstar are trying to kidnap my sister for one of their whore-houses! You gotta assistance me, please!
xiii Morningstar Rosen Oaks
Friendly Fire
I only saw a whole agglomeration of those Morningstar guys go into Friendly Fire. They were talking about going after the Saints!
14 Police force Camano Identify
South of Friendly Fire
twenty years on the force and Nonetheless no promotion! I got a niggling cash banked, and it'south yours if you lot get rid of some of my competion downward at the precinct.
15 Police Wesley Cutter Intl Discussion is a big shipment of weapons is comin' in to the airport. Draw all the security your way for a while, the Saints could get beginning pick to sell.
16 Luchadores Port Pryor
East side
I've seen the Luchadores fight dozens of guys at once without breaking a sweat. Incertitude you lot'd even final two seconds, blood brother.
17 Police
Loren Foursquare
North e of Friendly Fire
The Luchadores use Rusty's Needle as a forepart for distributing their steroids. I heard a large shipments' coming through there correct about now.
18 Luchadores The Grove
North due west of Image Every bit Designed
Those damn Luchadores stole my 'roids! I'd stop 'em myself just I can't without my pills!
xix Constabulary Brickston
West of Red Onion Herb Dispensary
The law are always in our shit, and nosotros tin't become nothin' done! Maybe you lot tin can thin them out a bit.
20 Deckers Salander
Planet Saints
The Deckers are raiding Planet Saints, and seems they've paid the cops to look the other mode. We gotta have care of the problem ourselves.
21 Morningstar Sunset Park
Saints HQ
Those Syndicate assholes don't know when to quit! They're attacking our crib, and we need help drivin' them off!
22 Police Loren Foursquare
North due west corner of Luchador belfry
Hey, my friend, in that location was some rioting after the Stilwater Do good concert and the cops were but hatin' homo, no love, but bustin' heads. How 'bout the Saints go down there and make 'em fuckin' pay for breaking that shit up?
23 Morningstar Henry Steel Mills
Image As Designed
Tin the Saints help us? We didn't pay our protection money and now the Morningstar's going to raid the shop! We'll make it worth your while!
24 Morningstar Loren Square
Southward East of Make full-Her-Up Super Toy Shop
I can't believe someone'southward organized a pro-Syndicate rally downtown! You lot gonna put a terminate to that shit or what?
25 Morningstar Henry Steel Mills
S of Pickpocket Pawn Shop
Nosotros heard about what Zimos is doing about unionizing the girls and nosotros want in...merely you gotta take out the Morningstar watching us kickoff...
26 Luchadores - Zombie Arapice Island Nosotros're near the chem plant surrounded by... holy shit, they're zombies, human being! We tin't hold them off for long, nosotros demand help! Ahhhh, get off me...!

Levels [ ]

  • Wave - the number of waves in the Survival location
  • Moal - the number of enemies, or seconds
  • Allies - the percentage chance of allies spawning
  • $ - the corporeality of Cash awarded
  • Respect - the corporeality of Respect awarded
  • Unl indicates which mission is required before this survival call is available.
    • M03 is We're Going to Need Guns
    • M05 is Party Time
    • M19 is Zombie Assault
Wave i Moving ridge 2 Moving ridge iii Wave 4 Moving ridge 5 Moving ridge vi Wave seven Moving ridge 8 Wave 9
Wave Diff Unl Type W G A $ R Yard A $ R Thou A $ R K A $ R Grand A $ R G A $ R One thousand A $ R Thou A $ R G A $ R
01A01 Easy01Like shooting fish in a barrel m03 Time 4 45 0 sixty thirty 90 10 180 90 45 40 120 60 thirty 80 75 40
01B01 Medium01Medium m03 Time 6 45 0 90 45 90 ten 270 135 45 40 180 90 15 fourscore 150 75 30 40 lx thirty 30 0 45 25
01C01 Hard01Difficult m03 Time 7 45 0 120 60 120 10 360 180 threescore twoscore 240 120 30 80 150 75 xxx forty 120 60 30 10 90 45 30 0 threescore 30
02A02 Easy02Piece of cake m03 Fourth dimension four fifteen 0 15 x 45 5 120 sixty 90 x 180 90 60 40 120 60
02B02 Medium02Medium m03 Time 4 fifteen 0 15 10 45 5 240 120 120 10 360 180 120 twoscore 480 240
02C02 Hard02Hard m03 Time 5 15 0 xv ten 45 0 240 120 120 0 360 180 105 twoscore 480 240 90 fourscore 600 300
03A03 Easy03Piece of cake m03 Kills 5 3 0 60 30 viii 20 150 75 five twoscore 120 sixty five 80 150 75 five 0 90 45
03B03 Medium03Medium m03 Kills vii 3 0 lx thirty 8 20 150 75 eight 40 200 100 v 80 150 75 viii 40 120 threescore five 0 90 45 3 0 lx 30
03C03 Hard03Difficult m03 Kills vii 3 0 60 30 thirteen 20 240 120 10 40 200 100 5 fourscore 250 125 8 xl 200 100 8 0 150 75 3 0 sixty 30
04A04 Easy04Easy m03 Kills 5 3 0 thirty fifteen 5 5 lx 30 8 10 ninety 45 5 40 120 60 3 80 150 75
04B04 Medium04Medium m03 Kills 5 3 0 xxx 15 5 0 60 30 8 v 150 75 5 40 200 100 3 fourscore 250 125
04C04 Hard04Hard m03 Kills 5 3 0 xxx 15 v 0 threescore xxx 10 0 240 120 8 40 320 160 5 80 250 125
05A05 Easy05Easy m03 Kills v three 0 60 xxx 5 0 90 45 5 twoscore 120 lx five threescore 135 65 5 eighty 150 75
05B05 Medium05Medium m03 Kills 7 3 0 60 30 3 0 75 twoscore 5 0 90 45 8 0 105 55 viii xl 120 lx eight lx 135 65 5 80 250 125
05C05 Hard05Hard m03 Kills 7 3 0 60 30 3 0 125 65 five 0 150 75 8 0 175 xc 10 xl 200 100 10 threescore 225 115 ten lxxx 250 125
06A06 Easy06Easy m03 Kills half-dozen iii 0 50 25 8 xx 90 45 8 twoscore 200 100 5 fourscore 150 75 five 40 120 sixty 5 0 90 45
06B06 Medium06Medium m03 Kills 6 3 0 30 15 eight twenty 150 75 8 40 200 100 five 80 250 125 viii xl 200 100 viii 0 150 75
06C06 Hard06Hard m03 Kills vi 3 0 30 15 eight 20 150 75 x 40 320 160 eight 80 400 200 10 xl 320 160 8 0 150 75
07A07 Easy07Easy m03 Kills v iii 0 lx 30 8 0 150 75 5 40 120 threescore five 80 150 75 5 fourscore 150 75
07B07 Medium07Medium m03 Kills 5 3 0 60 xxx ten 0 240 120 8 40 200 100 5 80 150 75 8 40 200 100
07C07 Hard07Hard m03 Kills 6 three 0 lx thirty 10 0 240 120 8 twoscore 320 160 5 eighty 250 125 8 twoscore 320 160 8 0 150 75
08A08 Easy08Easy m03 Kills iii 8 20 200 100 5 forty 225 115 five 80 250 125
08B08 Medium08Medium m03 Kills 3 x 25 320 160 8 40 360 180 five lxxx 400 200
08C08 Hard08Hard m03 Kills 3 13 30 400 200 10 40 450 225 8 eighty 500 250
09A09 Easy09Piece of cake m03 Kills 6 3 0 30 15 v 10 sixty 30 5 ten 90 45 iii xl 120 60 3 80 150 75 v ten 90 45
09B09 Medium09Medium m03 Kills half-dozen 3 0 30 15 eight 10 100 50 8 10 150 75 5 40 200 100 3 80 250 125 10 10 240 120
09C09 Hard09Difficult m03 Kills half dozen 3 0 30 15 8 10 100 50 x 10 240 120 8 twoscore 320 160 v 80 400 200 13 x 300 150
10A10 Easy10Easy m03 Time five thirty 0 30 15 lx 0 135 70 45 40 180 ninety xxx fourscore 150 75 45 40 180 90
10B10 Medium10Medium m03 Time 5 30 0 30 15 ninety 0 180 90 75 forty 240 120 threescore lxxx 300 150 75 xl 240 120
10C10 Hard10Hard m03 Fourth dimension v 30 0 30 xv 120 0 270 135 105 40 360 180 90 fourscore 450 225 105 twoscore 360 180
11Aeleven Easy11Easy m03 Kills 4 5 0 60 30 5 5 90 45 8 40 320 160 3 80 150 75
11Beleven Medium11Medium m03 Kills iv 5 5 sixty xxx 10 15 240 120 13 40 520 260 v lxxx 400 200
11Cxi Hard11Difficult m03 Kills iv 5 xv lx 30 fifteen 25 390 145 18 40 720 360 x 80 650 325
12A12 Easy12Easy m03 Kills 4 five 0 sixty thirty 15 10 390 195 8 forty 320 160 3 eighty 150 75
12B12 Medium12Medium m03 Kills 4 5 0 60 30 10 fifteen 240 120 13 40 520 260 5 80 400 200
12C12 Hard12Hard m03 Kills five 5 0 60 xxx 10 0 240 120 13 40 520 260 10 eighty 650 325 13 40 520 260
13A13 Easy13Easy m03 Kills 5 5 0 60 30 5 5 90 45 3 40 120 60 3 80 150 75 5 10 90 45
13Bxiii Medium13Medium m03 Kills 6 5 0 60 30 ten 5 240 120 eight 40 320 160 3 fourscore 150 75 three 40 120 lx 5 fifteen 90 45
13Cthirteen Hard13Hard m03 Kills half-dozen five 0 60 xxx 10 10 240 120 13 40 520 260 v fourscore 400 200 8 40 320 160 10 20 240 120
14A14 Easy14Easy m03 Kills 5 iii 0 sixty 30 5 0 90 45 13 xl 520 260 v 10 90 45 five 15 lx 30
14B14 Medium14Medium m03 Kills 5 iii 0 lx thirty 10 0 240 120 18 xl 720 360 ten fifteen 240 120 5 twenty sixty 30
14Cxiv Hard14Difficult m03 Kills half-dozen iii 0 threescore 30 15 0 390 195 thirteen xl 520 260 v eighty 400 200 eight 40 320 160 five 0 90 45
15A15 Easy15Easy m03 Time vii 30 0 60 30 45 5 75 forty 45 10 ninety 45 45 15 105 55 30 40 120 threescore 30 60 135 65 xxx 80 150 75
15Bfifteen Medium15Medium m03 Fourth dimension 7 xxx five 60 30 45 10 75 40 threescore xv 135 65 lx xx 160 80 45 xl 180 90 45 lx 205 105 30 80 225 115
15C15 Hard15Hard m03 Time 7 30 10 60 thirty 45 15 75 forty 90 20 180 ninety 90 25 210 105 75 40 240 120 75 60 270 135 threescore 80 300 150
16A16 Easy16Easy m03 Kills 3 5 0 lxxx 40 15 0 390 145 20 0 720 360
16B16 Medium16Medium m03 Kills 3 10 0 240 120 13 40 520 260 15 fourscore 900 450
16C16 Hard16Hard m03 Kills three 15 0 390 195 xviii 40 720 360 15 80 900 450
17A17 Easy17Easy m03 Fourth dimension 4 xxx 0 60 thirty 150 15 360 180 30 40 120 60 120 ten 270 135
17B17 Medium17Medium m03 Time 4 xxx 0 60 30 135 40 480 240 threescore fourscore 300 150 105 xl 360 180
17C17 Hard17Difficult m03 Time 4 30 0 90 45 135 40 480 240 60 80 300 150 135 40 480 240
18A18 Easy18Easy m03 Kills 4 v 0 60 30 8 0 150 75 8 40 320 160 8 80 500 250
18B18 Medium18Medium m03 Kills 4 5 0 60 thirty 10 0 240 120 10 40 400 200 10 eighty 650 325
18Ceighteen Hard18Hard m03 Kills 4 5 0 60 30 10 0 240 120 xiii 40 520 260 15 fourscore 900 450
19Axix Easy19Easy m03 Kills 6 3 five lx thirty 5 15 90 45 5 xl 120 60 5 80 150 75 5 5 90 45 3 80 100 50
19B19 Medium19Medium m03 Kills 6 3 8 sixty 30 10 18 240 120 8 xl 320 160 5 eighty 400 200 10 8 240 120 5 80 250 125
19C19 Hard19Hard m03 Kills 6 3 ten 60 30 fifteen 20 390 195 13 forty 520 260 10 80 650 325 15 10 390 195 5 eighty 400 200
20Atwenty Easy20Like shooting fish in a barrel m03 Kills 7 5 0 60 30 v 0 ninety 45 8 40 150 75 8 0 200 100 8 70 320 160 5 0 400 200 viii 100 500 250
20Btwenty Medium20Medium m03 Kills seven 5 0 lx 30 8 0 150 75 10 l 240 120 viii 0 320 160 10 75 400 200 8 0 500 250 10 100 650 325
20C20 Hard20Difficult m03 Kills 7 v 0 60 xxx 10 0 240 120 13 60 300 150 x 0 400 200 13 lxxx 520 260 ten 0 750 325 xv 100 900 450
21A21 Easy21Piece of cake m05 Time ix 45 0 150 75 45 100 120 60 45 0 xc 45 45 0 60 30 45 100 150 75 45 0 120 lx 45 0 90 45 45 0 60 xxx 45 100 150 75
21B21 Medium21Medium m05 Fourth dimension 9 90 0 300 150 60 100 180 ninety lx 0 135 lxx 45 0 60 xxx lx 100 225 115 sixty 0 180 xc 60 0 135 70 45 0 90 45 45 100 150 75
21C21 Hard21Hard m05 Time 9 120 0 450 225 xc 100 240 120 90 0 180 xc 45 0 60 thirty 90 100 300 150 90 0 240 120 90 100 180 90 thirty 0 120 60 45 100 150 75
22A22 Easy22Like shooting fish in a barrel m03 Kills iii 10 ten 240 120 viii 40 320 160 10 10 240 120
22B22 Medium22Medium m03 Kills 3 10 10 240 120 5 80 400 200 10 10 240 120
22C22 Hard22Hard m03 Kills 3 ten ten 320 160 5 80 400 200 8 forty 320 160
23A23 Easy23Piece of cake m03 Fourth dimension 6 15 0 15 10 ninety 10 180 90 xxx 0 lx 30 75 twoscore 240 120 30 0 lx xxx 105 40 360 180
23B23 Medium23Medium m03 Fourth dimension vi fifteen 0 15 10 105 twoscore 360 180 30 0 60 30 105 40 360 180 30 0 sixty 30 90 eighty 450 225
23C23 Hard23Hard m03 Time half-dozen fifteen 0 fifteen 10 105 twoscore 360 180 30 0 60 30 90 forty 450 225 30 0 threescore 30 120 eighty 600 300
24A24 Easy24Easy m03 Kills 4 10 0 240 120 v 0 60 thirty 10 30 240 120 8 40 320 160
24B24 Medium24Medium m03 Kills 4 10 0 320 160 10 0 240 120 eight xl 320 160 5 eighty 400 200
24C24 Hard24Hard m03 Kills 4 xv 0 520 260 15 0 390 195 13 50 520 260 10 80 650 325
25A25 Easy25Like shooting fish in a barrel m03 Kills 5 5 0 30 xv 10 ten 240 120 13 twoscore 520 260 15 10 390 195 5 0 threescore 30
25B25 Medium25Medium m03 Kills 6 5 0 60 30 ten 0 240 120 xiii 40 520 260 ten 80 650 325 xv fifteen 360 180 5 0 60 30
25C25 Hard25Difficult m03 Kills vii 5 0 lx xxx 15 10 360 180 xviii 40 720 360 15 eighty 900 450 13 twoscore 520 260 10 ten 240 120 5 0 sixty 30
26A26 Easy26Easy m19 Kills v 200 0 400 200 100 0 400 200 100 0 600 300 100 0 800 400 100 0 one thousand 500

Saints Row IV [ ]

Survival is renamed to Virus Injection in Saints Row Iv. The Diversion is same, although in that location are no timed Virus Injections. On reaching the final impale quota, all remaining enemies will vanish and any Notoriety volition be cleared. Wardens never appear during Virus Injection.

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Trivia [ ]

  • Finishing all Survivals will complete a Claiming.
  • References to Survival can be found in the Saints Row 2 data files, showing that information technology was originally planned as a Diversion in Saints Row two. Survival was originally intended to include a Cameraman, then it is possible that Survival in Saints Row 2 was replaced by FUZZ, although the references to the Cameraman are even so included in the game data files for Saints Row: The Third.
  • Survival two, Mascots at Let's Pretend, explicitly states that the Mascots were gathering at the store due to a sale, but at that place is no auction and the Mascots volition not enter the store. Due to information technology being a timed Survival, it is possible to simply enter the store and await within until information technology is over.
  • Survival 6, the "Policeman's Brawl", features SWAT and SNG with normal vehicles, even if STAG are already present.
  • Survival 17, Luchadores in Loren Square, says that the Luchadores utilize Rusty's Needle every bit a front, but there is no Rusty'southward Needle anywhere nigh the Survival location.
  • At Survival xviii, Luchadores in The Grove, at that place are three Luchadores are dancing while one is throwing upwards.
  • Survival 22, Constabulary in Loren Foursquare, mentions a "Stilwater Benefit concert". This survival is bachelor from the start of the game and this concert is never mentioned at whatsoever other time in the game.
  • Survival 25, which talks about Zimos unionizing prostitutes, is bachelor from the beginning of the game and may occur before coming together Zimos.
  • Most, if not all of the calls are voiced by either Troy Baker or Danielle Nicolete.[ reference? ]

Gallery [ ]

The role player uses a Crusader in Wave 1 of Survival

Zombie survival, with a customized Bulldog and the homies Kinzie and Viola. Note the zombie Brutes

Survival diversion in Saints Row: The Third

Survival diversion in Saints Row: The 3rd

Survival diversion in Saints Row: The Third

Survival diversion in Saints Row: The Tertiary

Survival diversion in Saints Row: The Third

Survival diversion in Saints Row: The Tertiary

Check the Activity to-do list for ways to improve Activity manufactures.

References [ ]


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