Comments (439)

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– plutocedar 410 points ago +410 / -0

I guess some companies do care when all their money disappears.

– King4 130 points ago +130 / -0

Isn't Obunga one of its shareholders? Surprised Netflix is doing this. What's going on?

– snuggs316 119 points ago +119 / -0

half of the obama staff is on the board of netflix.

– King4 51 points ago +51 / -0

So what do you think they are up to, Snuggs?

– Gadsden 147 points ago +147 / -0

They want money, and they're finally losing it.

Going woke does indeed make you go broke, but sometimes it takes way, way too long.

– King4 47 points ago +48 / -1

Does it REALLY make you go broke? Like as an indivudal? Yeah, you tank the compnay you preside over and off-load a lot of staff. But indivudally, I think some of the higher-up get "rewarded" even if they tank their buisness.

And I believe that's where a lot of this "inflation" is coming from. I think this admin and US government engages in a LOT OF money-laundering and Bribery.

Using tax and printed money to feed to their NWO/WEF cronies/stooges all over corprate America. The ones that matter at least.

A lot of "dirty money" I bet is being swivled around these days.

– mrredneck 24 points ago +24 / -0

"A lot of dirty money" yep recycled as million dollar Book Deals, of course the obummers got the electronic version of a book deal from net flix, what was it 80 million or so. Lets nor g\forget you add Paul Ryan to the board and yes its easy to see how the country was failing under their management.

A lot of the money laundering goes through hollywood and the media machines; this in turn is where they got the funding for the billion dollar movies (socializing losses but privatize the gains).

With trump putting the screws on the money laundering machine; the money was starting to dry up; the 'pandemic' was a way to explain away why all of a sudden no new movies and such were coming out now that their cash flow was turned off. All of the entities required to convince the public there was a huge pandemic were also the ones effected most by no longer being able to launder money. And realistically not everyone knows that's what they are doing as the machine has been constructed in a way that prevents that; everyone just knows their part, and their "part" is legal and moral.

All these entities had to go without an "income" for a couple years and things are getting desperate; so to appease them we have to make up for those years quickly even if it fucks the US citizens over.

That was fascinating and shady as hell.

– Hattmall 3 points ago +3 / -0

Executives maybe sometime, but not typically board members. Netflix is trading at pre-2018 levels so a lot of these people were probably heavily investing after that point and have lost anything they put in as well as a huge amount of gains.

– foobarbb 1 point ago +1 / -0

no it doesn't almost all the richest people in the world were woke. They watch out for each other.

Hot dogs and pizza in large quantities isn't cheap.

Don't forget the walnut sauce!

Maybe it's a cycle:

-- Make a lot of money delivering quality goods and services people want

-- Push woke agenda on broad customer base

-- Customers leave in droves

-- Pull back woke agenda, refocus on delivering quality goods

You forgot:

-- Leave a foundation of woke communist bullshit to build on later

Make Blockbuster Great Again!

They're losing influence and the ability to manipulate the masses. They're waaay more concerned about that than the money, which the Globalists have repeatedly plundered to their fill.

– snuggs316 13 points ago +13 / -0

the only thing that affects these people is losing money. so i'm guessing their woke agenda re: films has tanked. netflix also decided not to make some alternate fairy-tale re: hillary, as to what would have happened had she not married bill. are they trying to soften their image prior to midterms, or is there some white-hat shit going on behind the scenes that we're not privy to, making them scared. could be the current twatter situation b/t elon and the elites; he's about to expose the whole bot situation which is grossly illegal.

The cynic in me expects them to all get hired back in December.

I'm pretty sure this is getting overblown; Netflix is cancelling a lot of shows and movies in development, and surely doing so focusing on those that check multiple boxes of: Unlikely to have high views (and if they analyze their user data even a quarter as well as they could, provably so), Production Cost Overruns, Production Drama.

They're not excising wokeness, they're just axing the worst investments. They were producing so much bad content that it wouldn't take a turnaround expert to identify which expenditure was utterly indulgent. This particular scenario just happens to be an extra woke crew who (predictably) goes on Twitter and whines about it.

That's not cynicism, that's pattern recognition.

Just in time for the fourth quarter

Just like all the white male execs in hollywood threw men under the bus to preserve their positions....woke senior leadership is throwing their rank and file under the bus to preserve their leadership....

....also netflix already spent billions and got woke mediocre trash out of it.

deleted 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it has to do with China trying to get rid of non traditional things. They still answer to the CCP and this is the direction China is headed.

Imagine what the board meetings must be like.They all just show up get fancy meals handed their gift bags like they're at the Oscars sit down and the CEO immediately says, "I guess we're all in agreement? Good, then let's have a vote. All who agree with everything I believe in and want to do for the next year, raise your hand. Oh wonderful, it's unanimous. Okay, hand out the second round of gift bags and let's all retire to the 5-star restaurant followed by a mani-pedi and a relaxing cruise to one of my islands I bought from the Epstein estate. I miss that man like you wouldn't believe."

– Faulkner 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think your picture of the 21st century globohomo board room is depressingly right on.

Also, when Epstein "killed himself," 10 more Epsteins rose up to take his place.

Well fuck, never thought that through.

  • Epstein becoming too well known

  • More scrutiny and harder to trap people with him

  • Expose him and sacrifice him

  • Kill him so he can't squeal

  • Replace him with multiple new versions

  • New versions sneakier and currently unknown

  • Less scrutiny and easier to honeytrap people

And the people you entrap you can assist in their political campaigns.

Or just do what they have been doing while everyone is brainwashed

Epstein was not the top of the chain at any point...he was always a mossad asset

were* on the board of netflix. Lets hope.

a 70% decline in stock price

– elc0 6 points ago +8 / -2

I'm hesitant to believe the woke crap is the primary factor in the stock price. For years now I've heard the competitors that have entered that space will drive the stock down. If going woke is truly responsible, I'd imagine we'd see similar outcomes at Disney?

– ColbyP 6 points ago +6 / -0

A little of one, a little of the other. Netflix was unsustainable in their current model. They only ever thrived because they were the only real streaming service for so long. Once competition showed up and stopped renewing their contracts so they could stream their own content on their own platforms, Netflix was bound to start losing customers. Endless growth isn't possible forever, and especially when you lose your monopoly. Them spending all their money producing their own shit tier woke garbage was just the nail in the coffin. Instead of trying to use their huge money supply to hold on to content people actually wanted to watch, they wanted to cut out the middlemen and make their own content so they wouldn't have to license it from others. The problem being that Netflix has no idea how to make good content, because that's not what they do. They were always just a host platform for others. Being a good delivery driver doesn't mean you'll make a good chef.

– visorak 3 points ago +3 / -0

If netflix wanted to make good content I'm sure they could have figured it out.

But they didn't want good content. They wanted woke bullshit. Because they are a propaganda outfit, same as news media, disney and most of hollywood.

– Elencher 1 point ago +2 / -1

Eh I don't think they could have. Sometimes you talk about what's an in organizations DNA, and SV companies have a huge problem: engineering is in their DNA. Engineers are obsessed with data and numbers, and Netflix has data and numbers in spades. Netflix makes the Neilson rating system look like Helen Keller. Netflix can't help but try and data-drive their productions, which is a recipe for the most bland formulaic uninspiring crap there is.

– visorak 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bland and uninspiring is not their problem though. The inclusion of woke culture is. The bigger problem for them is trying to avoid corruption when silicon valley is an epicenter of it, along with hollywood.

You say they were mostly engineers. So the technical aspects of filmmaking should not be outside of their grasp. Good stories can be extremely simple, you dont exactly need to be a rocket scientist to follow basic story outlines.

I believe woke culture is literally anti-creativity. Simply by not giving into stupid, they could have made some decent stuff.

Disney was at its highest stock price ever

it almost immediately fell 30% when they went up against DeSantis

the woke thing is so serious that a group of CEOs has formed an association to keep politics out of the boardroom

– TNVol 4 points ago +4 / -0

They will have to start firing a hell of a lot of fucking HR people to get there.

The woke stuff basically splits down a shrinking pie but it itself isn't soley responsible for the shrinking pie. The large offering of streaming services are squeezing them. Lots of competition now.

The woke are low hanging fruit of terrible ratings so naturally a lot of them are getting canned or are about to get canned.

Someone else posted on here about how the work ethic at Netflix is actually good.

Operating under that theory a lot of this makes sense.

I don't really blame them. They are probably looking at something like Blizzard and how that company went to complete shit because they refused to cull terrible employees.

If they are smart it's a cautionary tale.

I was reading the other day that Blizzard was considered a top 5 place to work right up until it wasn't last year when the scandals broke. Makes you wonder what was really going on. My guess is they hit a critical mass of SJW employees who decided to take down a company making games for a male audience.

I follow that stuff pretty close since I grew up in that ecosystem. In reality it was a slow death and just an unwillingness to get rid of certain people over a long period of time.

The popularity of WoW really killed the creativity there.

The problem was two fold.

  1. The popularity attracted people to the company interested in gaming and the brand rather than people who wanted to work.

  2. In order to compensate for 1 they had to hire people with industry experience which meant that a corporate culture of quality was infinitely harder to achieve.

And yeah the popularity of WoW certainly attracted it's fair share of the SJW crowd to the company.

Art departments in particular are always going to breed that mentality.

That's why I have seen some good companies outsource as much art as they can. It allows them much better control of everything else.

They get complaints about overworking independent contractors but ultimately the decision to work 80 hours is a personal choice. Plus the relatively minor amount of criticism companies face for that outsourcing is a great trade to keep your own company culture intact.

TBF very few complaints about working conditions actually involve safety.

They involve mentally ill people having unrealistic expectations. I use this one as a prime example: I've never worked for Amazon, I've never been a manager but I can 100% guarantee you that they do not expect people to piss in bottles. Mentally ill twist reality into thinking they have heard someone say they must piss in a bottle it really is that fucking simple.

Tbf I know some people who worked there and they have gotten crap for taking a walk to a restroom so maybe that example isn't the best one.

Amazon is one of the worst places in America to work at right now.

That being said I do agree with your premise.

Tbf I know some people who worked there and they have gotten crap for taking a walk to a restroom so maybe that example isn't the best one.

SO you know some people who like to lollygag on their way to and from the break room you say? And they had to be reminded they are being paid to work and not to lollygag on the way to the restroom? No way!

Blizzards team was also composed of devs like Afrasiabi who were not socialized well enough to be able to function on mixed sex teams. These men were a huge asset early on when there weren't a lot of women in the industry, but as more women came into the company they were unable to function and ended up just creating large sexual harassment liabilities while producing little of value.

Maybe these gaming companies shouldn't higher retarded leftist women who will claim any joke you make is "sexual harassment".

I always found it funny when Rockstar games was hit with this type of stuff from women about their culture. It's like no shit, have you played their games. You can pickup a prostitute, have her service you, then you can kill and dump her.

He was an idiot but your view of it is kind of wrong.

Afrasiabi actually likely hurt the company more by promoting unqualified women who slept with him.

How often do you ever hear that perspective though?

In some ways he's not that different from Trump in terms of grabbing women by the pussy or whatever. Once you live in that environment the expectations become entirely different.

If women know they can get promoted for engaging sexually, suddenly that behavior becomes more commonplace and accepted.

It's not that he is not the problem, he ultimately is the accountable one. The question is whether or not the women who participated are actually victims.

And THAT is the root of the entire Metoo bullshit issue.

I don't get why these places even hire women. They are a huge liability in the me too era. Not worth the risk and are always starting drama.

Interesting. I can see how having a massively popular game could kill the creativity impulse. No real need to innovate if the money keeps flowing in.

– Elencher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Half-life 3 confirmed.

– Femprep 1 point ago +1 / -0

It doesn't make you wonder when you realize that they tanked the value of the company and now Microsoft is looking to purchase it.

Also Blizzard recently hired former CIA COO Brian Bulatao, so that's pretty suspicious too.

"LaQuisha has produced nothing since he hired her. She needs to go"

"Are you kidding? Do you know how hard it is to find a black non-binary disabled transsexual woman? Those boxes don't check themselves"

– Edinedii 5 points ago +5 / -0

If Obama has learned governance from censorship in Chyna, they relax for a while before going for a more brutal vice grip the next time. The long arc is squeezing everything out of the disposable eaters.

This will not help their ESG.

Loans don't matter if you don't have customers.

I can't see them recovering. 75% loss in market value , Jesus. It's game over. They should liquidate

All they own is brand and content. Their infra is 100% cloud based.

– Nibba 14 points ago +14 / -0

Well good thing their brand is ruined and their content is worse than trash.

They flourished when other companies were looking for a place to make money on their old content. Now all of those companies have their own streaming services and Netflix is left with a bunch of good shows they cancelled early and a bunch of crap they churned out to make the service look full of content. Not sure where they go from here, but it'll look a lot different than when they were throwing money at anyone who pitched them a movie or show.

So the thing about Netflix is, when they started out, analytics were a big part of their corporate structure; this was when real-time data for decision-making was getting hot (weekly reporting turning into daily, and then hourly); Facebook was among the pioneers in this, along with Amazon and the early proto-mobile gaming outfits like Zynga. So when Netflix made the move to considering content creation (a huge move considering how entrenched all the players are in the Hollywood production pipeline), they did so with an analytics slant. Calculating what people were watching on the streaming platform, trying to use those metrics to inform content creation decisions.

But then they ramped up production, more content. More content means more producers and creative executives. And there's only one place, and one industry, that has that talent pool: Hollywood. Those people, once hired, laughed the analysts out of the building. We're not doing this your way, nerds, they said.

There was a brief civil war at Netflix, and the data analytics guys lost, and the slick producer dickheads won. This was before the woke hit, and almost certainly what made it possible at all. And the slick producer retards went right back to making content the way they always do: getting endless specs from hopefuls and new pitches from established players, picking what their gut tells them works (or more often, picking a ripoff of what someone else already did and already worked well) and then stacking the project with Hot Directors and Hot Actors, showrunners who can manage the process and have crew they already work with, etc. etc.

It's a process that creates content, but (just look at movie history) recklessly and with VERY low consistency. Netflix was aiming to change that but Hollywood consumed them.

When it came time to Be Woke they just followed the aforementioned, standard sloppy Hollywood creation process but exclusively highlighted projects that fit The Message.

Anyway, don't try this at home; I'm what you might call a professional, and thanks for reading my Why Netflix is Retarded post.

Great read, thanks. P.win has the least amount of retards on the Internet and I'm thankful.

This is 100% true.

Netflix's mistake was that when they tried to diversify by producing their own content, they fixated on highly woke/highly diverse garbage production no one was wanting to watch. The only thing keeping them afloat was the old IP.

I'm not sure if they realized this or not, or if they're realizing it now, but it's certainly one of those things that when the IP owners pull the plug they don't have any compelling content to keep subscriptions over.

The opposite of hbo basically

Wait, HBO is based and produces majority white content?

If so, I may have to consider HBO.

– ColbyP 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know a streaming service is worthless when every time you search for anything good to watch the only results are "here are some shows we think you might like based on your search for 'X'"

What trans trans and more trans is not good programmig??

aside from the stuff they produce, they license content

That's my point, they're almost ALL opex. They're razor thin otherwise

Especially if you have any idea how much they have been spending on producing their own content.

They were probably in debt even at their peak stock value. Their whole business strategy was relied on making profit later after paying back loans and having a library full of paid off content.

This isn't the first time Netflix stock crashed 75%. They are doing serious damage but there is time to correct it. Problem is there is a lag from firing all these people, writing new scripts, production, till it's available so they're probably gonna have a ruff 2 years.

They're just trimming the fat among the drones. The elites will keep their high salary jobs.

As soon as the gravy starts rolling in again they'll go full bore commie.

It really sucks when Marx's stolen money runs out.

90% women with a wide range of diversities and perspectives?! 90% of anything isn't diverse, more like hive mind

I guarantee that most of that 90% have lockstep Democratic Party talking-points opinions that differ in almost no way.

Did everyone forget Cuties already? Only pedos have netflix. The end.

What sucks is that there are some good original tv shows and movies on Netflix but I'm not about to pay for a subscription because of the other shit they also have

Pirates life for me

– krog 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's not much. It got to a point with me where their best selling point was a pretty good and responsive UI. I've cancelled now, but held on for a while just because it was so easy to scroll through what they had available.

Most of their original programming that I've seen has all leaned into leftism and tokenism.

Yeah it's only a handful of shows. Arcane was fantastic and I do enjoy stranger things and the crown. But 80% is just plain bad

Hey, they had a lot of diversities of opinions! I'm sure some of them were Tampax girls and others were maxi-pad!

I don't trust something that bleeds for five days, and doesn't die.

– D__1 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not diversity of opinion but rather diversity of identity.

They all identify as oppressed.

– NavySTG 24 points ago +24 / -0

She must be a biologist.

– Keiichi81 22 points ago +22 / -0

Reminds me of the Huffington Post boardroom that they were bragging about being "so diverse" and was literally 95% white women.

How many of them where actually "White", if you know what I mean?

How many were actually woman?

Oh man I forgot about that one. That one was epic. The one token Asian woman in a room of white Karens.

– Pepper2 18 points ago +18 / -0

I've never been in a room with a group of women that got along and had "diverse perspectives"

Yea.. I guarantee the one "diverse" thing about them is something they keep secret and are deathly afraid that their co-workers would find out about them, because, then they'd be ostracized out of their "super diverse clique."

A real high school mindset pervades the country right now. These aren't "diversity departments" or "women's groups." These are just "bully clubs."

The damage has already been done, it's too late for them.



– _Sully_ 59 points ago +59 / -0

As soon as the Obama coven left Netflix it is frantically trying to make Netflix for normal people again. It's probably too late.

– _Sully_ 43 points ago +43 / -0

Yes, and as soon as they did Netflix stock tanked. I'm guessing Susan Rice was the lynch pin. They were using Netflix as some kind of ponzi scheme to dole out laundered money while they got financial support from BlackRock or something. They abandoned it for some reason and I bet it has to do with contracting inward due to massive financial lost and impending change in the cultural and financial landscape. I see it as cutting their loses.

– _Sully_ 21 points ago +22 / -1

Netflix will not survive this. Immediately they announced a free version with commercials and started making claims about password sharing. Also, they are borrowed up to their eyeballs. They will continue to shed content and fail to make any new content and likely fall to the point where normies will leave because they don't even have bingeable classic TV shows anymore.

– Diotima 24 points ago +24 / -0

They're incapable of making non Woke content because media and entertainment is largely captured by far left marxists all echoing wokeism. Most of the shows are trash with a very few exceptions. I'm watching Yellowstone which falls into exceptions.

That a company is taking on massive (unsustainable) debt is a classic sign it's getting plundered and looted.

This happened to many retailers that failed to make the transition to internet commerce. Lacking a viable business path forward (but lots of overvalued real-estate to borrow against), those companies were picked up at steep discounts in the 08 recession by vultures.

Those companies then started borrowing up to their eyeballs, the money went "somewhere", then the companies were abandoned and allowed to blow up.

The same strategy is being run on our nation today.

Clarification: not a free with commercials option, a cheaper with commercials option. That's how Hulu, Disney+ and Paramount+ works.

It's never cutting losses it's draining the value to then buy an even bigger share for cheaper than they sold and claim the excess as profits.

Killing Netflix is only natural for those big players that got into streaming later and have a smaller subscription base. There are plenty of streaming platforms vying for Netflix place.

I have no sympathy to them but you better believe hedge funds were inflating stock values as investing in stocks became more accessible to everyday Joe's so they bought everything at a premium and now the market is correcting itself and they will bleed out every small investor that got in and can't monitor their investment 24/7 or can hold what they have till the next market balloning.

– _Sully_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lesson to be learned here is don't bet all your money on anything.

The tools that have orchestrated a lot of this shit, are slowly slinking back into their holes waiting to see which way the wind blows.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty much this.

It's not like the sins of producing and airing Cuties will be forgotten over a few liberal tears.

Maybe Melvin Capital can rescue them :)

– Mungo 90 points ago +90 / -0

How is 90% women on a project "diversity"?

– Lurker404 117 points ago +117 / -0

Diversity means no white men. That's all it means.

No normal people. Is what that means. Normals of any race or gender are not welcome. You have to have some abnormal credential.

Many of us could try this abnormality: "my black skin is actually white!"

– ManyDirt 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's a real dog whistle. "Diverse candidate" means not to hire white men. Some day Democrats will say the parties flipped and that Republicans are really the party of openly discriminating like that.

It was white men who built this country. And its going to be white men taking the country back.

– Julia_J 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or White people in general.

Just like "Free trade" meant tariffs on american exports, no tariffs on foreign imports. They just define words to mean what they want them to mean as a kind of pizza gate / hot dog style crude code. "Affordable Care Act." "American Rescue Plan" "Corporations Need to Pay Their Fair Share." See? Its easy.

– TDAF 5 points ago +5 / -0

At Netflix, a group of 90% women is 40% dudes.

– NADSAQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not, but the statement is to say of the crew, 90% were women (ostensibly) and of those, there was a great deal of ethnic diversity.

90% female movie crew? I'll betcha that place was a LAUGH RIOT to be at..

One hour work: 15 min saying hi catching up, 15 min pecking order talkathon, 15 min work, 15 min catching up talkathon.

– Peashout 16 points ago +17 / -1

Your a comedian if you think they would EVER shut up even fot 1 minute.

2 hours in the bathroom and they go as a group

Bullshit 90% crew. They mean 90% production staff. The people building the sets, hanging the lights, running sound, gaffers, grips, drivers, animal wranglers, stunts, hell 90% of the post production too are no question male.

No doubt could even be cast and the 90% women is counting trannies. If I was a movie producer I'd make a comedy mocking sex and the city with men with definite male traits cross dressing and the whole plot would be mocking sjws, trannies and liberals. The plot would be none of them can get laid and when they do get laid is a pre op trans woman with a pre-op trans mqn and they figure out they are actually straight. The sequel would be then married with kids living as normal people and the others just become sadder, more schizo and miserable than before resenting those two and of course one of the other three that remain trannies the one that got the surgery committed suicide with the other two following the steps of the one that went hetero at the end.

Some goddamn sanity in clown world. The comedy potential is absurd. It'll be absolutely hated by the critics but I'd expect it to have good revenue especially if the comedy is good.

Men dressing in womens clothes is classic comedy. Monty Python, Milton Berle, Kids In the Hall… we need to return trannies to being objects of comedy again.

Ain't no misogynist like a woman.

Every 3 seconds: "HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Ahhh these salty tears taste so good in my morning covfefe!

deleted 33 points ago +34 / -1

And even then, Netflix didn't make that movie. It was a French movie they bought the rights to.

Still a bunch of kiddie raping faggots.

France is a joke. They think that movies with graphic sex are for 12 year olds.

i know a girl from France

she and her grandfather used to watch porn together

it was not the gonzo porn we are used to, it was just if there was a sex scene in a regular movie the actors had real sex

it's no big deal to them

When you say they watched porn together, you mean they both masturbated to it? Also I thought movie sex scenes are faked. They have techniques for it.


as I said the porn was not like that

it was just a scene in a regular movie

deleted 2 points ago +3 / -1

deleted 21 points ago +21 / -0

Netflix didn't die because they offended us, they died because of the inevitable balkanization of streaming. Once the media consolidated studios figured out how to stream their own content this was inevitable. Netflix was early so it enjoyed primacy. Truth is Netflix only owns content it creates or buys the right to stream, and even that content isn't licensed in perpetuity. Contrast that with the ownership of content by Time Warner (who has their own streaming HBO Max now).

This collapse was inevitable. Netflix thought they could corner the market on niche fag content. Nope! Their cost model was a disaster waiting to happen. Everyone in the software business knows Netflix is the pinnacle payday. No chance they could last.

This is the actual reason they're dying unfortunately. Good post. Yeah, Cuties sent decent humans away like myself and others, but this is the true reason they're going away. However, Wokeness didn't buy them any time, but accelerated their demise.

I'm not saying we didn't HELP but those of us willing to cut Netflix over stuff like cuties is not the market force that ultimately made this happen. Sure it didn't help that they lost subscribers but they were in a highly precarious position already. If they were smart they would have gone for a niche with some real numbers behind it and a lack of representation, such as MAGA. Imagine if NETFLIX had gone pure MAGA? Hiring Mel to direct red blooded MAGA content? Would have probably saved them, but since they're led by the Obama White House they chose poorly.

Disney acquiring Fox Entertainment (with their stake in HULU) and launching Disney+ seemed to me like game over for the position of Netflix.

How long until everyone is tired of having a dozen subs for different streaming services and we come full circle?

When the consolidated media have run all the other players out of business.

balkanization, that is a great term for what is happening, but eventually all the little ones will fail and we'll have a giant monopoly

It'll be just like cable, who is owned by the same media companies that are splitting the streaming market! It was an interesting time but now they want their money back from you.

– cptKloss2 19 points ago +19 / -0

So i tried to watch a general TV yesterday first time in 5-6 years.... nothing made after around 2012 is watchable... commercials are 75% joggers, 20% other "special treatment groups" and the rest are white men, cast in a village idiot role.

– Kissaki 5 points ago +5 / -0

Village idiot, or evil bad guy.

– Z228 16 points ago +16 / -0

Mr. Burns: Excellent!

And nothing of value was lost.

– Sirjames 14 points ago +14 / -0

Diversity has never been a strength. In America being an American patriot is a strength. Being a lgbtq queer black disabled lesbian Nigerian American is not a strength and adds nothing to the power of being Americans but makes it weak.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0

Digging itself out of its hole! Kinda like Coke did.... "oops!"

Go woke- go broke!

I still don't drink coke. I'm too white.

– DixMcCoy 4 points ago +4 / -0

it's ok to be white

Coca Cola or any of their products Are allowed in my house. Likewise with other liberal shitcompanies.

I don't drink coke or pop becauae all that sugar and high fructose corn syrup is terrible for you

– pattrn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ditto. It was a good change. Now I drink primarily water, with a bit of milk in my coffee.

new coke was nothing but a big marketing scam

Already hit the iceberg folks!

90% women sounds 100% sexist to me.

It's on 90% women in the writers room and pre production staff, I'm sure.

There's precious few women set construction workers.

– dr_gonzo 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's refreshing to see profit motive winning over Neo-Marxism.

Btw, this illustrates the control the Federal Reserve has over our politics. Netflix was ALWAYS following profit motive, but their share prices remained inflated because the Fed was artificially inflating the economy, which kept stocks up at unrealistic levels.

Now that the Fed's chickens have come home to roost with inflation, they are forced to cut that shit out, and the bottom is dropping out of share prices. So now companies must finally acknowledge the will of the consumer.

If we didn't have a central banking cartel doing this shit in the first place, Netflix would have been forced to adapt much earlier. END THE DAMN FED

If you end up with a crew that's 90% women, you're not there to make a film.

Womp womp. LOL, get rekt, commies.

The phrase "Go Woke...Go Broke"

really means - if you hire the kind of morons who make Woke shit...you aren't hiring the best folks.

It was a classic "vulture capitalist" plundering operation, just like what the mainstream GOP did to a number of brick-and-mortar retailers after 08.

They infiltrate the company, borrow as much as they can, launder it back to themselves, then bail when the company can no longer borrow more.

Kinda like what's being done to our country.

Sounds like the Sopranos when Tony and crew plundered Davey Scatino's Sporting goods store after he owed them a bunch of money


same thing with the club in Goodfellas

except they can't burn netflix down for the insurance money

Holy shit, what if Woke is the new Bain Capital?!

Loonies don't realize that they're businesses with the only intent of making money, they went the wrong way realized it and changed course.

Have they removed cuties yet?

No, doubt they will either.

Judging by the names of these departments you can tell what kind of intellectual bubble they lived in. They really thought normal people would just accept their blatantly obvious cultural attacks.

Learn to……. Make an Onlyfans account.

– Julia_J 4 points ago +4 / -0

I knew they had a "black people" department but not the rest. Wtf.

– ATK69 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wide range of diversity and perspectives. That's rich.

I love the smell of napalmed wokeness in the morning.

Too late, let em die. What are we supposed to do? Support them again until they decide to start producing Leftist Marxist trash, then somehow get surprised again?

Go woke, go broke.

Hahahhaa. GET fucked you fucking Commie queers

I haven't had Netflix in about four years but from what I hear from other people their content pretty much sucks for a long time.

Plus they're losing licensing deals because of the other streaming network competitors like Paramount+ etc. There are just less and less things to see on Netflix. Go woke then broke!!

Give it 3 more months and they'll be advertising MAGA and hosting movies/documentaries like 2,000 Mules to try to draw customers back from the right.

I hope the fat guy from Stranger Things is seething like the woke fucking lunatic he truly is.

– Diotima 4 points ago +4 / -0

Season 1 was really good then there heads got to big and woke mind virus infected the show. I do like Dark tho. I borrowed my parents account simply to watch Dark.

Dark was AWESOME

I also enjoyed all three seasons of Stranger Things, especially the last one at the mall. As an 80's kid, they really nailed the whole feel of the mall back in the 80's. It was nostalgic as fuck.

Did I mention Dark was fucking AWESOME?????

the fat cop who talking about punching nazis at an award show

Hopper (actor's name: David Kenneth Harbour)

Watch his SAG award speech. Bizarre.

Oh yeah. Didn't he say to pUnCh nAziS or some shit.

Fucking clown.

Sink and die. Who cares. My only regret is that I have only one account to cancel on them.

Get woke, go broke. So.. you're saying there's not gonna be a sequel to Cuties?

Doesn't matter. Burn that s**t with fire all the way down.

Haha, that's funny how they realized it was all dead weight ideological nonsense.

deleted 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's simple. Hire the best people for the job and the diversity thing will work itself out. Diversity in its truest form is the easiest thing to achieve, as everyone is unique. The left just hijacked it to shoehorn less qualified individuals because they have some sort of superficial attribute that they want "represented"

Wide range if diversities and prespectives? Like how to make a sandwich?

– Tulkas71 2 points ago +2 / -0

The grammar hurts my soul.

Hey, if it was popular and making money they would've kept it

If Netflix puts Alex Jones documentaries and 2000 mules on maybe I'll resubscribe.

Everything Obama touches goes to shit.

Wokeness is a luxury when profits are high.

Hard times kill the Woke virus.

Thanks Biden!

Who the fuck names a department 'Strong Black Lead'? Man, I wish I could have hit one of these jobs while the going was good (if I was the correct race). I would love to do absolutely nothing and get rich for destroying a company.

– Axiom502 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders not to faggots and joggers playing make believe